
Monday, April 10, 2023

Meru Betiri National Park

A Superb Nature Conservation

Traveling to East Java will bring you to many unspoiled natural charms. Meru Betiri National Park is located in Pesanggaran District, within the Banyuwangi and Jember Region, East Java Province. It is nature conservation with amazing natural wonders, bound in its 580 km square territory.

Geographically located on 8°21’-8°34’ South Latitude, 113°37’-113°58’ East Longitude, the fertile area has already been protected, since the Dutch Government period of 1931, as a conservation area due to its abundant richness. It is known as the natural habitat of the striped local Java tiger. Today, the Park still conserves rare and endangered wildlife species, such as the amazing Rafflesia zollingeriana flower and the Javanese flying squirrels.

It also has an 8.54 km square of marine area, with pristine beaches in mesmerizing nature, hides away beyond the lush green rainforest of the vast park. Sukamade Beach is the tranquil nesting grounds for endangered turtle species such as leatherback, hawksbill, olive ridley, and green turtles.

Witness the amazing natural events of sea turtles laying their eggs here during night time. Or, participate in escorting baby turtles back to the free ocean after spending some time in the local breeding facility which cares for their early wellbeing.

In Rajegwesi Beach you can swim or observe fishermen traditions. There is also Green Bay, a crystal clear marine tourism where you can enjoy the astonishing turquoise waters.

A Superb Nature Conservation

Meru Betiri National Park is opened for public since 1982, comprising some highlands area with an altitude of almost 1,200 m. Some of the mountains in the areas are Mount Meru (343 m) and Mount Betiri (1,233 m) on the west part, which combined as the name chosen for this National Park.

On the south part, there are Mount Sumbudadung (520 m), Mount Sukamande (363 m), Mount Rajegwesi (181 m) and Mount Benteng (222 m). There are even more mountains inside the expansive conservation area, such as Mount Gamping (538 m), Mount Butak (609 m), Mount Sukamade Atas (801 m), Mount Gendong (840 m) and Mount Mandilis (844 m).

Get There

There are a few routes to get to the Park: Ambulu-Curahnongko-Bandealit for three hours (31 km), Jajag-Sarongan-Sukamade for three hours (60 km), Surabaya-Jember-Ambulu for five hours (225 km) and the Surabaya-Banyuwangi-Jajag with six hours travel time (342 km). Some roads leading near to location maybe bumpy and require an experienced guide with a 4 wheels drive vehicles to maneuver the rough path. Jember – Surabaya 

can also be travelled by train or public transports. Public transport varies in form of an ojek motorcycle, a minibus bemo, large busses or a daily truck. If you would prefer extra conveniences, book for a private tour from a trusted travel site to escort you to a hassle free holiday.

Get Around

Most of visitor are here to do jungle trekking or beach walk and therefore prefer to explore the site by foot. Some tours might include trips in a 4 wheels drive to cruise the rivers and jungles of the Park.

Where to Stay

There are basic guest house facility inside the park. For further information of price, service and availability prior to your arrival, you can contact them by e-mail. You can also collect informations for the necessary procedures and preparation when you plan to set up a camp inside Meru Betiri.

Jl Sriwijaya 53, Jember 68121, East Java

Phone: +62 331 321530


There is another accommodation called The Raflesia Homestay. Here, you can join the locals and enjoy their daily activities around Sukamade Beach. 

Jl Sukamade No 20, Teluk Hijau, Meru Betiri, 68488 Sarungan

If you need a more established hotels with better amenities, you might need to stay further around city centre of Jember or Banyuwangi are. 

Sumber :

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Taman Nasional Bunaken

Enam wisata alam yang membuat Anda jatuh cinta dengan Indonesia

Kamis, 1 Sep 2022 | 04:20 WIB

Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang memiliki berbagai bentang alam memesona, mulai dari gunung, danau, pantai, lautan hingga hutan. Dengan luas wilayah sekitar 7,81 juta kilometer persegi serta sekitar 17.499 pulau, membuat potensi wisata alam Indonesia tak ada habisnya untuk ditelusuri.

Pesona alamnya yang tak ternilai juga mengundang decak kagum dunia internasional untuk memanfaatkannya dengan berwisata. Kekayaan wisata alam yang ada di negeri ini memang layak serta patut dibanggakan oleh masyarakat Indonesia.

Taman Nasional Bunaken, Sulawesi Utara

Taman Nasional Bunaken dapat dikatakan sebagai salah satu surga bagi penikmat wisata bahari disebabkan keindahan bawah lautnya, terutama ekosistem terumbu karang yang sangat kaya. Sebagai salah satu kawasan konservasi laut sekaligus tempat wisata, Taman Nasional Bunaken memiliki luas terumbu karang sekitar 11.709 hektare dengan 390 spesies terumbu karang.

Taman nasional ini juga memiliki hutan bakau dengan luas sekitar 2.434 hektare serta 28 spesies. Di hutan bakau tersebut terdapat habitat kepiting, moluska, serta burung laut. Tak hanya itu, ada pula padang lamun seluas 5.108 hektare dengan 9 spesies –lebih dari 2.000 spesies ikan karang, 8 spesies mamalia laut, serta 200 spesies moluska– serta beberapa jenis hutan bakau yang luasnya mencapai 2.434 hektare dengan 28 spesies.

Sedangkan di kawasan darat Taman Nasional Bunaken terdapat pohon sagu, woka, silar, sampai kelapa. Anda juga akan menemukan beberapa spesies hewan darat seperti rusa serta kuskus.

Untuk menuju Taman Nasional Bunaken, Anda harus menyeberang via Pelabuhan Manado. Sesampainya di pelabuhan, Anda akan diarahkan menaiki perahu motor menuju pulau pilihan di kawasan Taman Nasional Bunaken dengan waktu tempuh ke tiap pulau pilihan bervariasi, yakni sekitar 20 hingga 60 menit.

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Sunday, February 13, 2022

Indonesia Negara Tercantik Alami di Dunia

Indonesia Dinobatkan Jadi Negara Tercantik Alami di Dunia, Apa Sebabnya? 

13/02/2022, 17:30 WIB 

Indonesia dinobatkan menjadi negara tercantik alami nomor 1 di dunia oleh studi yang dilakukan peneliti dari Money, sebuah situs layanan perbandingan produk keuangan asal Inggris. Dilansir Time Out, Kamis (10/2/2022), Indonesia berhasil mengungguli sejumlah negara dunia lain, termasuk Selandia Baru dan Perancis. 

Para juri memutuskan hal ini atas sejumlah kriteria atau aspek penilaian yang mereka miliki, yakni menghitung jumlah terumbu karang, pegunungan, dan taman nasional yang ada di suatu negara. Dari aspek-asspek yang diperhitungkan, Indonesia muncul sebagai juaranya. 

Peringkat 10 besar negara tercantik alami di dunia 

Berikut adalah peringkat 10 besar negara tercantik alami di dunia beserta dengan hasil penilaiannya:
  1. Indonesia, 7,77 
  2. Selandia Baru, 7,27 
  3. Kolombia, 7,16 
  4. Tanzania, 6,98 
  5. Meksiko, 6,96 
  6. Kenya, 6,7 
  7. India, 6,54 
  8. Perancis, 6,51 
  9. Papua Nugini, 6,39 
  10. Komoro, 6,22 

Kriteria penilaian negara tercantik alami di dunia 

Jika mencermati kembali kriteria penilaian yang digunakan, para juri tidak hanya menghitung berapa banyak keindahan alami seperti gunung, pegunungan, terumbu karang, dan lain sebagainya yang ada di sebuah negara. 

Mereka juga menghitung, berapa banyak taman nasional yang dimiliki oleh negara yang sedang mereka nilai. Juri menilai, keindahan bukan hanya bisa dilihat di alam, namun juga pada Undang-Undang yang ada di pemerintahan suatu negara, misalnya Undang-Undang yang menetapkan suatu potensi alam sebagai sesuatu yang harus dilindungi dan dilestarikan. 

Juri kemudian menghitung ada berapa banyak keindahan alami yang dapat mereka temukan dI setiap 100.000 km². Indonesia dengan 17.000 lebih pulau, 147 gunung berapi, dan kekayaan terumbu karang serta hutan hujan yang begitu luas itu muncul menjadi juaranya dan bertengger di urutan teratas sebagai negara tercantik alami di dunia. 

Indonesia berhasil mengalahkan Selandia Baru yang juga terkenal akan keindahannya. Sebut saja jajaran pegunungan dengan panorama dramatis, gletser yang luas, juga banyak taman nasional yang dimiliki. Sementara di posisi ketiga, ada Kolombia dengan kekayaan alam berupa hutan Amazon, pegunungan Andes, dan pantai Karibia.

Sumber :

Sunday, September 12, 2021


Prambanan or Rara Jonggrang (Javanese: ꦫꦫꦗꦺꦴꦁꦒꦿꦁ, romanized: Rara Jonggrang) is an 8th-century Hindu temple compound in Special Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia, dedicated to the Trimūrti, the expression of God as the Creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Shiva). 

The temple compound is located approximately 17 kilometres (11 mi) northeast of the city of Yogyakarta on the boundary between Central Java and Yogyakarta provinces.

The temple compound, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, is the largest Hindu temple site in Indonesia and the second-largest in Southeast Asia after Angkor Wat. 

It is characterized by its tall and pointed architecture, typical of Hindu architecture, and by the towering 47-metre-high (154 ft) central building inside a large complex of individual temples. 

Prambanan temple compounds originally consists of 240 temple structures; which represents the grandeur of ancient Java's Hindu art and architecture, also considered as a masterpiece of the classical period in Indonesia. Prambanan attracts many visitors from around the world.


Monday, August 16, 2021

Ratu Boko

Ratu Boko (Javanese: Ratu Baka) or Ratu Boko Palace is an archaeological site in Java. Ratu Boko is located on a plateau, about three kilometres south of Prambanan temple complex in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. 

The original name of this site is still unclear, however the local inhabitants named this site after King Boko, the legendary king mentioned in Roro Jonggrang folklore. In Javanese, Ratu Boko means "Stork King".

The site covers 16 hectares in two hamlets (Dawung and Sambireja) of the village of Bokoharjo and Prambanan, Sleman Regency. In striking contrast to other Classic-period sites in Central Java and Yogyakarta, which are remains of temples, Ratu Boko displays attributes of an occupation or settlement site, although its precise function is unknown.

Probably the site was a palace complex which belonged to the kings of Sailendra or Mataram Kingdom that also built temples scattered across the Prambanan Plain. The argument was based on the fact that this complex was not a temple nor building with religious nature, but a fortified palace instead which evidence of a remnant of fortified walls and the dry moat of defensive structures.

The remains of settlements also founds in Ratu Boko vicinity. This site is located 196 m above the sea level, on the highest point in the site, there is a small pavilion from which one will be able to see a panoramic view of Prambanan temple with Mount Merapi as the background.

Source :

Monday, July 19, 2021


Mendut is a ninth-century Buddhist temple, located in Mendut village, Mungkid sub-district, Magelang Regency, Central Java, Indonesia. 

The temple is located about three kilometres east from Borobudur. Mendut, Borobudur and Pawon, all of which are Buddhist temples, are located in one straight line. There is a mutual religious relationship between the three temples, although the exact ritual process is unknown.

Monday, June 21, 2021


Sewu (Javanese: ꦱꦺꦮꦸ, romanized: Sèwu) is an eighth century Mahayana Buddhist temple located 800 metres north of Prambanan in Central Java, Indonesia. 

The word for a Hindu or Buddhist temple in Indonesian is "candi," hence the common name is "Candi Sewu." 

Candi Sewu is the second largest Buddhist temple complex in Indonesia; Borobudur is the largest. Sewu predates nearby "Loro Jonggrang" temple at Prambanan. 

Although the complex consists of 249 temples, this Javanese name translates to 'a thousand temples,' which originated from popular local folklore (The Legend of Loro Jonggrang). Archaeologists believe the original name for the temple compound to be Manjusrigrha.

Source :

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