
Sunday, April 7, 2013


Keris is a dagger stabbing weapon class (pointy and sharp on both sides) with many cultural functions are known in the western and central archipelago. The shape is distinctive and easily distinguished from other sharp weapons because it is not symmetrical at the base of the dilated, often winding blade, and many of them have the prestige (Damascene), namely visible fibers of a bright metallic finish on slats strands. Type of stabbing weapon that has a resemblance to the dagger is the dagger. Another stabbing weapon is kerambit original archipelago.

In the past kris serves as a weapon in a duel / battle, as well as complementary offerings objects. On the use of the present, is more of a dagger accessory items (ageman) in dressing, has a number of cultural symbols, or a collection of objects is assessed in terms of aesthetics.

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