
Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Name of Indonesia

In JIAEA 1850 Volume IV, pages 66-74, George Samuel Windsor Earl (1813-1865) wrote an article "On the Leading Characteristics of the Papuan, Australian and Malay-Polynesian Nations." In his article confirms that Earl has come for the people of the Malay Archipelago Indian Archipelago or to have distinctive name, a distinctive name, because the name is not appropriate Indies and often confused with the mention of another Indian. Earl filed two option names, “Indu-Nesians” or Malayunesia, nesos, in Greek means the Island. Article on page 71 it says, "... the inhabitants of the Indian Archipelago or Malayan Archipelago would Indunesians or Malayunesians Become respectively."

In Volume IV JIAEA it also, pages 252-347, James Richardson Logan (1819-1869) wrote an article The Ethnology of the Indian Archipelago, In early writings, Logan also expressed the need for the typical name for these islands, because the term "Indian Archipelago" is too long and confusing. Logan picked up the discarded Indunesia name Earl, and the replacement letters of u with the letter o so his words better. Thus was born the term Indonesia.

Indonesia for the first time the word appears in the world with 254 pages printed on the paper Logan, "Mr. Earl Suggests Indunesian the Ethnographical term, but rejects it in favor of Malayunesian. I prefer the purely geographical term Indonesia, roomates is merely a shorter Synonym for the Indian Islands or the Indian Archipelago. "When Indonesia proposed the name Logan does not seem to realize that in the future it will be the name of the name of the nation and the country's fourth-largest population rank on earth!

Since then Logan has consistently used the name "Indonesia" in his scientific writings, and the use of this term is slowly spreading among scientists fields of ethnology and geography. In 1884 a professor of ethnology at the University of Berlin named Adolf Bastian (1826-1905) published a book Rodel oder die Inseln des Malayischen Archipel five volumes, containing the results of his research when it wandered into our country in 1864 until 1880. Bastian is a book that popularized the term "Indonesia" in the Dutch scholar, so that could arise contention that the term "Indonesia" was created by Bastian. Opinion is not true that, among others in the Encyclopedie van Nederlandsch-Indie 1918.

Indonesia people who initially used the term "Indonesia" is Suwardi Suryaningrat or Ki Hajar Dewantara. When in the exhaust to the Netherlands in 1913 he established a press bureau under the name Indonesische Pers-bureau.

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